Saturday, October 8, 2011


Hi every one here I am again and today I'm going to talk about a group of great russan and american scientists that are investigating the cause of the death of wild tigers. This team will be triing to save the worlds largest cat.

Last year a tigress "Galia" that was studied by this same group walked into the village of Terney. Galia looked strange to the scientists and was searching for dogs as an easy meal. Sadly this beautifull tiger  was shot by local police after several capture attempts failed. In November 2003, the same thing happend with a healthy looking  tigress in the village of Pokrovka in Khabarovski Krai only this timethe tiger stayed alive There were many other examples of tigers entering villages or roadway throughout those few years.Distemper sickness is found in many speices as: domestic dogs, lynx and bobcats in Canada, Baikal seals , lions, raccoons and the black footed ferret. And they think that it is that. The good news is that canine distemper can be vaccinated , so if they succed to collect enough money they could save those magnificent cats. Latest reports suggest that fewer than 3,500 tigers remain in the wild; 1,000 are breeding females.
What can you do?
Donnate money and..... READ MY NEXT BLOG POST!!!!


  1. How do we know where to donate money? You have not given us the link where you found the article, the author, the date it was written. Also, don't forget that in current event assignments you also need the reflection paragraph.

  2. Awww, I love tigers! I really hope people will do something about this. I dodn't want them to die!:(
    I love them so much that the thought of dying does make me sad. Of course like Mrs M. said there are some things you missed out but of course you'll improve every time and remember what Mrs. Moore said about the idiot thing. Anyway it would be good to add a picture of some tiger or a video. Overall I love your blogs! :)
