Sunday, December 9, 2012

The man who walked on water

Is it really possible to walk on water? No it isn't, not yet, but it is possible to walk on a special mixture composed of water and flour! Just watch that video! :)
The mixture the man is walking on is about as liquid as a normall pancack dough but when applied pressure on it becomes as hard as ice! Beleive it or not this mixture is simply composed of water and corn flour and is labeled with the weird name of loobleck!
"How dos it work?" You might ask. The mixture still has some microscopic peices of flour left in them and ,when they should have had time to climb over each other and let the water dominate the space, they instead are compressed by the jump of a human they just freeze in their position enabke to leave space for the water liquid.
Now that you know how to do it: Ready to try it in your kitchen!? :P

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Musical Levitation

"Levitation!? That's like flying isn't it? Like for superheroes?" Yes but not any more! Scientist have discovered how to make a drop of water fly only with music!! "Impossible" you say well watch that video!

The small drops are placed right over a speeker that is putten to 22 k, a frequency that humans can't hear. But a sound is a vibration of a gaz in our atmosphere as described in if we hear music coming from a speaker it means that its membrane hit the other molecules hard which hit the others... ext, until it hits your ear, as I would call it : The Domino Effect! But there there are 2 speakers one at the bottom one at the top, the sound coming from the top will go down, the sound coming from the bottom will come up, these vibrations will hit the droplets strong enough on both side,keeping the droplets stuck in the middle unable to fall or go up.

Sadly, for now, this only works with those very light drops and we couldn't fly........ YET! But this discovery could be very useful in the future as this discover will be used in the making of new medecins since it enable scientists to work with it but without touching it!

Lets see what will fly next!?
See you next week!
Crazy Girl

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Body Bacterias

The human body holds more then 10 000 different species of bacterias. In the face are Propionibacterius Acnes, as you might guess those bacterias are the ones whom give teenager acne. Usually this bacteria eats the grease on your face and keeps it from being all drie. But sometimes as when we are teenagers we have a lot more grease and the bacteria blocks pores and creates an inflammation : a pimple.

 part of your body has special characteristic and is a host of  different species of bacterias. It is like different types of climates: tropical forest, desert, forest, savanna. If we use this example the arm would be the humid rainforest.

Even if the bacteria popullation in belly buttons doesn't beat the hands  it is feeled with more then 50 different species. We do not know yet how many bacterias are in the belly button but we will soon discover the real quantity because of the Belly Button Biodiversity project (north Carolina)

It is proven that washing hands does help reduce the quantity of bacterias but does not destroy them.  As there is 150 species of bacterias on them  even if your right hand and left handonly have 17 % of bacterias in common.

The feet, the perfect climate; warm and humid, it holds great bacterias as the Rycophiton Rubrum. It is a mushroom that eats of dead skin of the foot and under it's long filaments live hundreds of bacterias that live of by eating sweat, the only problem is that when they digest it they produce a gaz that in a result make your feet stink.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A special Mice Family

Weeks ago, in the university of Texas little baby mice came to life. But those mouse didn't have a family similar to other mouse families, they had 2 dads. Normally that would be biologically impossible, males don't have ovules. So how did does little mice come to life? The answer is that they created  a female clone of one of the two male mice, this clone being now a female was able to have ovule that have the original male mouse' DNA. Then they made the other male mouse reproduce with the clone female mouse and...... TADA many healthy and cute little mice were born!!!!  But how is that useful you might ask? There are so many endangered species that disapeared under the eyes of scientist that where enable to make them reproduce since they didn't have any partner from the gender!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cannabis, Not Good for you!

Some scientists have just discovered that Cannabis, when smoked by people younger then 20, is great for your IQ!They have followed a few people from Newzealend from the age of 13 till they were 39. Those studies show that the ones that started when they were teenagers and continued have lost a lot of their intellect, and those who smoked the most lost 8 IQ points!!!!But the ones that only started after 25, never lost any of their intellect. Why? That is where we come to our point, during our young years (until 25) our brain still is growing, it eliminates the unuseful neurons to make itself quicker  and more useful. But Cannabis blocks that last step and makes any person that ever smoked it as a teenager never be able to improve their IQ! Now we know the choice is: Be smart or be addicted?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Bacteria Painter

How would you feel about buying a painting that was created using bacterias that normally live in your stomach?

Zacharie Copfer, an ex microbiologist, now found a way to use his knowledge into his new hobby, Art! He invented the bachteriography, the principle is to print the pictures on a Cullin box. Then he covers it with a substance full of nutriments and some bacterias called Serratia Marcescens, then covers it with the picture he wants printed and sprays it with toxic radiations. The microbes in the clear parts of the picture die because of the radiations on the countrary the ones in the darker parts survive and turn out red. After 2 days it is finished. But if he just let it like that the bacterias would spread out all around the picture. So zacharie sprays them with a radiation that kills them and adds a special gell that freezes them forever.

Zach also makes pictures using the fluorescent microbe on jellyfishes and creates your portrait using the microbes on your face. here is his link:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Todays Reaction

Glue+ water +Boron+ Bicarbonate= GAK
We first mixed the water with the Bicarbonate adding 2 spoons the we put some glue in a glass and added the same volume of the water mixture into it. Finally we mixed it all together for about 5 minutes.  Finally the mixture changed from a liquid to a gooy solid
Reaction 2
Cu (ion) + SO (ions))  Zn (s)----------      Cu(s) + Zn (ions) + So (Ions)
We mixed the Copper sulfate into water then added a bit of Zynch solid into it.The Zynch change its color from gray to colorless, the copper went dark brown and the Sod became colorless. So there was a change in Color and some bubbles appearedx fcxf

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The man who wasn't scared of heights

Felix Baumgartner is the first man on earth whom threw himself as high as 39 km from earth.  Last sunday he threw himself from a capsule that was positioned between the atmosphere and space. He even past the sound wall as he clearly stated that he felt the air getting thicker at the moment he past it.  As Neil Amostrongs famous words were " One small step for man, one hug leap for human kind", Felix Baumgartner's words before jumpings were "I'm going home now". After those last words in the capsule he made a freighting descent towards earth spinning over and over again at 833 miles per hour,  it is only after 4 minutes and 20 seconds that he landed, on his feet, on earth.
Felix nobely says that he didn't only do it for the records but also for science and that now he would love to be a mentor and inspire the next generations.

Here is a good video of him falling

plan for one world essay

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Precipitation reaction
synthesis reaction

exothermic reation
nuclear reaction

endothermic reaction

color changing reaction

decomposition reaction

oxidation reaction

Saturday, October 6, 2012

2 Explosions

 A physician had the fun and great idea of mixing liquid nitrogen with 1500 ping pong balls in a trash can. This science teacher made this experiment to demonstrate the fact that when nitrogen changes to gas, it needs space, but since it was in a trash can, covered in ping pong balls, it pushed the balls away so hard that they all jumb a few meters highti.
This teacher had also beaten the record for the most fireworks at a time. Before his invention the record was with 17 439 rockets now he made 56645 rockets go up at the same time with 2150 kg of canon pouder!!!!! Here is his video.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


"You must be a genius studying ununderstandable things and only use kilometer long terms to be a famous searcher!" if sombody ever tells you that, they are rong! Last septembre, in harvard, during the 22 annual Nobel Price award, the scientist studying the weirdest subjects got medalled, certificated and will stay for ever known as some Nobel price winners. What kind of subjects where they studying? How a dead salmon's brain works, what angle is the best to see the Eifell tower at its smallest, or how to stop an explosion from happening during a coloscopy. But not only were the scientists studying "special" subject, the ceremony was "special" too. The ceremony first started with an opera where they used a dress to represent the cosmos, then Robert Kushner inhailed helium and cut a real pie to explain the composition of the universe. And right before the Laureas received their trophy everybody stood up to throw paper planes through the room.
Here is the list of the prices:

List taken, translated and slightly changed from science et vie junior:
Price Psychology: Eerland, Zwaan and Guadalupe for their study "Leaning to the left makes the Eiffel Tower seem smaller.

Peace Prize: SKN the company to transform former Russian ammunition diamonds. Director Igor Petrov is also eager to distribute at the meeting candy.

Price of Acoustics: Kurihara and Tsukada, for the creation of SpeechJammer (the "jammer speech"), a device that can destabilize a person too talkative making him hear his own words with a slight delay

Price of Neuroscience: Bennet, Baird, Miller and Wolford, for insisting shown that we can detect brain activity everywhere, even in a dead salmon.

 Price of Chemistry: it is with the beard dyed green Johan Pettersson came to receive his award for demonstrating why some people in Anderslöv, Sweden, saw their hair color become grass. 

 Literature prize: the "Court of Auditors' American (the General Accountability Office), for writing a report on reports on reports that recommend the preparation of a report concerning the report on reports on reports ... Phew !

Price Physics: Keller, Godlstein, and Warren Ball, for their study of the movement of the hair in a ponytail.

Price of Fluid Mechanics: Krechetnikov and Mayer for why coffee cup that overflows into the hand while walking.

Price of Anatomy: De Waal and Pokorny, who showed that chimpanzees can identify conspecifics just looking after them. 

Medicine Price: Ben-Soussan and Antonietti, whom studiesd how to reduce the risk of explosion during colonoscopic examination.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cloths for lazy people

Don't you hate it when your parents tell you that you have to go do laundry will you could be watching tv or playing video games? Well soon those times will soon be over!
Scientist have created a chemical mixture that is putten on cotton cloths this chemical micture is composed of different photocatalysts. The cloths covered in this mixture just need a few hours in the  sun to be cleaned and get ride of any odours. We already knew that titanium diaoxide mixtures could  remove stain with ultraviolet light but not sunlight."The waves of ultraviolet light are more energetic and shorter than those of visible light"
Now soon in our favorite shops we will be able to buy the most fashionable cloths and not even have to spend hours washing them.
GO LAZYNESS !!!!!!!!!!! :P

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Protecting makeup


Protecting Makeup!? Wait isn't makeup used to be pretty, to hide imperfections and look desirable? All of this is true makeup is also used for camouflage during wartime, and this makeup is not only put on small details as eyes and mouth, this makeup is on the whole face. But even more incredible scientists have created a special makeup for soldiers which protects from burning of any hot blast that may be coming from a near by explosion. Those hot blast only lasts about 2 second but it's temperature can exeed 600 degrees celcius, that has always been a big problem creating a lot of injuries, creating 3 degrees burns.

This awesome new paint will also, of coures be with camouflaging colors: dark brown, clear brown, green and white. It also is waterproof and insect repellent!!
Now we hope that this will help having less deaths during war times and that less soldiers will suffer of burns!


When you looked at the table of elements in your science class a year ago you might have thought " Wow , those are all elements that exist and we have discovered them". But that is not true, many elements a to be discovered and an example of that is that last of may 2 new elements were found and accepted in the table of element: the flerovium ans livermorium, now making the periodic table filled with 118 elements. Both of those elements are radio actives and are sythetique which also means that we cant find them naturally on earth.
This is how scientist created them:
calcium (20 protons) +curium ( 96 protons) = livermorium (116 protons)  and a bit later .. = Flerovium ( 114 protons)
plutonium (94) + calcium ( 20 protons) = Flerovium ( 114 protons)

Doesn't all this make you want to have your own lab and create elements, that could be new additons to our universe, that will be able to exist in text books for ever. If it does start by listening to your science classes even though anoying a teacher once in a while isn't that bad at all!!!
Goodby future scientists...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Skill Lab: Comparing atoms size

                                         In conclusion as you go down the periodic table of elements the size of the atoms will increse!!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Observe the three circles you have drawn. Where is the earthquake's epicenter?
I drew 3 circles and at the place were it creates a border, this border is the earthquake's epicenter. Here the epicenter is on the border of Kentucky.
Wich city on the map is closest the earthquake's epicenter? How far is the city from the epicenter, in kilometers?
 The closest city is chicago and it is about 600 km away from the earthquake's epicenter
In which of the three cities listed on the data table would seismographs detect the Earthquake first? Last?
I think that the closest cities to the epicenter would feel it first and the farthest last. So first Chicago, then Houston and finally Salt lake city.
 How far from San Francisco is the epicenter you found? What would be the difference in arrival times of the P waves and S waves for a recording station in San Francisco?
It would take it about 4:40 to arrive at san francisco.
What happens in arrival times between P waves and S waves as the distance from the earthquake increases?
P waves and S waves have more chances of meeting and the force of the earthquake has diminished a lot.
Review the procedure you follwed in this lab and then answer the following question. When you are trying to locate an epicenter, why is it necessary to know the distance from the epicenter for at least three recording stations?
The more recording stations (or circles) we have the more precise we can be. I there are like 10 points we would probably only have something like 2mm in comun, so we could be precise. But if we only had 1 recording station the epicenter could be anywhere inside the center.
Wave Lab

Guiding question/ hypothesis
When watter is droped from a piplette into a bucket of water how does the water behave?
It will create a disturbance called wave. That will go in circles around the place were the water was droped.
How do waves interact with each other and with objects in their path?
I think that they stop each other .

I observed that the drops make a few circular waves that feel the whole bucke. I also saw that the waves bounce off of solid objects  in their way. Even if some parts of the waves will go "around it". But each "barrier" or solid in the wave's way made it slow down, it is why at one point it did come to an end.
I had some parts of my hypothesis right, it did create waves, but I was wrong, the solid objects didn't destroy the wave but just made it bounce of and/or go around.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Wave lab
Guiding Question: How does the thickness of string affect the sound that goes through it?”
 Hypothesis: I think it will travel better through thicker strings
Variables:  I will keep the 2 plastic glass and the same length for each strings, but I will change and try different thicknesses of strings. And my response should be different forces of sound waves..
Materials: 2 plastic glass, one knife, Small sowing string, medium size string, thick string
1)    With a knife make on small holes at the bottom of both glasses
2)    Pass one of the type of string threw each hole and make a knot at each of it’s extremities.
3)    Test the “telephone” by talking threw it from one end and listening threw the other .
4)    Record the amount of sound it produced.
5)    Repeat the procedure with each different string materials you have
6)    Compare your data

Record and Analyze:

Thin sowing string: When we talked threw the “phone” we only received a weak amount of sound. We could hear each other but had problems understanding each other.

Medium string:  I heard a tiny bit better then with the thin string, but it didn’t make a very big difference.

Large string: The sound was a bit better then the thiner strings we could understand each other almost every time. Even if it didn’t make a huge difference with the medium size string.

Data Table

Amount of sound
Thin sowing string
Medium-large string
medium weak
large string
high weak.

    D.  Analysis of Data:   Do you see any patterns?  Do you believe that your data shows accuracy and precision?
I think that my data shows that the volume increases just a little bit with thicker strings. I think that my data could have been a bit better if I had an appropriate instrument to measure decibels, sadly I didn’t. It would have given me precise numbers to compare my data with.

VI.         Concept Acquisition (CONCLUSION):  State the guiding question.  Present the relevant experimental results.  Discuss the relationship between variables.  What can you conclude regarding the guiding question?  Was your prediction correct?  If yes, explain.  If no, explain what you understand now about this investigation and how it taught you something new.

My guiding question was ‘ How does the thickness of string affect the sound that goes through it? My hypothesis was that it will travel better through thicker strings, and I was correct but I thought that the thickness would have affected sound much more. There , the difference of volume was very small.
VII.       Concept Application (FURTHER INQUIRY):    Examine the validity of your data and infer what you think the major causes of error may have been.  Propose methods of improvement.  For example, what modifications did you need to make or would make next time? Whatever happens in a test, think about all the reasons for your results.  Sometimes this thinking leads to a new hypothesis.  Write down these new hypotheses (predictions) or inquiries (questions) you may have here in this section.

My only mistake was that I should have been more precise with the data by using an instrument to measure data. But I could have made more interesting by using more types of strings as : wet strings, cold strings, warm strings, extremely thick strings, elastics and even maybe different types of cups! As I would think that wet strings would work better and that cups wouldn’t make a difference.