Saturday, September 28, 2013

Animal News

New Wet suit:
Australia is very famous for its many shark attacks on surfers. In general thee surfers' wet suits never protected them from sharks and sometimes even attracted sharks since it made surfers look like seals. But the Australians have come up with a simple yet very efficient answer. They have designed a stripped wet suit. In nature, usually, animals with black and white stripes indicates that they are poisonous. These suits have been tested on humans and they worked incredibly well, the sharks wouldn't even get close to it!

An incredible memory! :
The planarian warms have an incredible capability to regrow any body part, including the brain! This is because their body  is stuffed with a huge amount of stem cells. But searchers from Tuft university discovered something something even more incredible: after being decapitated they are able to regrow a brain with all of its memory! The searchers suspect that this is possible because the memory was copied in some of the stem cells.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Titi Monkey

Titi Monkeys' Song

 This magnificent specie of monkey developed  an incredible adaptation. Biologist from the University of St.Andrews and of the University of Neuchatel have this specie for years.  They have discovered that these monkeys emit different pitch cries to indicate different type of predators and their emplacement. Christiane Casar and her team from the university of St.Andrews have tried different experiments. First they placed a stuffed Caracara (one of their predator) in a tree, that made the monkeys make a  A pitch calls. Later  the placed a stuffed Oncilla on the ground, that made the monkeys that saw it make a B pitch calls. When they switch the position of the stiffed animals around and the monkeys caracara was on the ground, the monkeys started with at least four A calls before adding B calls into the mix. If the oncilla was in a tree, the monkeys made one A call before switching to a couple of B calls. They are the fist specie of New World monkeys that developed this survival technique.
And that is how singing saves species ;)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

New specie 2013: Olinguito

 It has been 35 years since we had dicovered a new carnivor specie in the Western hemisphere. But this summer, an animal that most could describe as "the cutest looking carnivore ever!" has been identified. It's name is the Olinguito. Dr Helgen. curator of mammals at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC, has studied over 60000 Olinguito remains. Some of those remains were discovered hundreds of yeas ago but only now were they correctly identified thanks to the new DNA identifying techniques.By studying those animals and their traits scientist were able to figure out which type of habbitate they evolved to live in and therefore were Olinguitos come from:

 Looking at those adorable meat and fruit eating animals make us think about how vast our planet is and how much we have yet to discover. How many species live in our days that we do not know about?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013




Charles Darwin was 22 when he went on a boat trip around the world as a naturalist. At that time it was 1831 and in England Church was a very important, God created everything around you as it is and that is all we had to know. But while going on that trip Charles found weird looking, giant bones, shells on mountains, and animal looking bones looking like animals existing but much bigger. When he came back from his trip Charles was so amazed with all he saw that he started studying extremely hard on what he had found, and tried to find answers to all those questions floating in his mind. This is how he had the idea of the Theory of Evolution. The Theory of Evolution explains many things. The first thing that it explains is that species evolve with time to adapt with their changing environment, for the survival of the specie.  This theory states that all species come from a same common specie, as we now think are bacteria. It is like a tree, it starts with a common specie, a common trunk, and then branches of in different adaptations of those species and on and on. Some branches stop but some continue. That is caused by Natural Selection, only the species that can adapt to their environment are  able to survive. Also all animals compete to stay alive, the one that is the slowest or has a bad camouflage gets eaten by a predator, the predator that doesn't hunt well doesn't eat. Evolution happen in a specie over a long period of time. Sometimes alleles are mutated during Miosis. Most of the time does small mutation are useless, minor, but sometimes it helps a specie survive and it is passed on through generation and generations, creating a new specie. Here is a simple video to help you understand how it works.