Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mammoth cloning

Scientist from Russia and Corea are working on recreating a Wooly Mamooth.  Wooly mammoths were one of the last breed of mammoths standing, they got extinct about 4000-5000 years ago. They are planning on recreating the mammoths by cloning its tissues using eggs from a modern indian elephant. They also might be able to find the DNA they need in the Siberian Permafrost where they have already found some fur and bone burrow that might still have living cells. They would take the nucleus from a living cell and incert it into an elephant's embryo. But while they work on cloning the Woolly Mammoth scientist Grgoriev and his team are ready to clone any fossil, with the right conditions that they find on their way.
Lets hope it doesn't go like Jurassic Park :P!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah mammoths are cool, but even they come back would they be able to survive in this new environment? And how long would they be able to avoid the killing of humans?
